Medico legal aspects of infertility: RTM:
sponsored by Abbott:
Take home messages :
Regarding consent:
ART procedures carry a small risk
both to the mother and the offspring. These risks must
be explained to the couple and appropriate counselling
done. ART procedures are to be initiated only after
patients understand these risks and still want to
undergo ART. (2.4)
- No ART procedure shall be done without the spouse’s
consent. (3.5.6)
- There would be no bar to the use of ART by single
women who wishes to have a child, and no ART clinic
may refuse to offer its services to the above,
provided other criteria mentioned in this document
are satisfied. The child thus born will have all the
legal rights on the woman or the man. (3.5.2)
- Specific consent must be obtained from couples who
have their gametes or embryos frozen, in regard to
what should be done with them if he/she dies, or
becomes incapable of varying or revoking his or her
consent. (3.2.5)
- The consent on the consent form must be a true
informed consent witnessed by a person who is in no
way associated with the clinic. (3.5.22)
- Collection of gametes from a dying person will only
be permitted if the widow wishes to have a child.
Semen banking and rights for gametes:
A semen bank may store a semen
preparation for exclusive use on the donor’s wife or on
any other woman designated by the donor. ..... In the
case of the death of the donor, the semen would become
the property of the legal heir or the nominee of the
donor at the time the donor gives the sample for storage
to the bank. All other conditions that apply to the
donor would now apply to the legal heir, excepting that
he cannot use it for having a woman of his choice
inseminated by it. (
Third party reproduction :
- A surrogate mother carrying a child biologically
unrelated to her must register as a patient in her
own name. (3.5.4)
- An oocyte donor cannot act as a surrogate mother for
the couple to whom the oocyte is being donated.
- Use of sperm donated by a relative or a known friend
of either the wife or the husband shall not be
permitted. It will be the responsibility of the ART
clinic to obtain sperm from appropriate banks;
neither the clinic nor the couple shall have the
right to know the donor identity and address, but
both the clinic and the couple, however, shall have
the right to have the fullest possible information
from the semen bank on the donor such as height,
weight, skin colour, educational qualification,
profession, family background, freedom from any
known diseases or carrier status (such as hepatitis
B or AIDS), ethnic origin, and the DNA fingerprint
(if possible), before accepting the donor semen. It
will be the responsibility of the semen bank and the
clinic to ensure that the couple does not come to
know the identity of the donor. (3.5.13)
- A relative, a known person, as well as a person
unknown to the couple may act as a surrogate mother
for the couple. In the case of a relative acting as
a surrogate, the relative should belong to the same
generation as the women desiring the surrogate.
Sex selection:
- Sex selection at any stage after fertilization, or
abortion of foetus of any particular sex should not
be permitted, except to avoid the risk of
transmission of a genetic abnormality assessed
through genetic testing of biological parents or
through preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).
No ART clinic shall offer to provide
a couple with a child of the desired sex. (3.5.10)
Eligibility criteria for art
For a woman between 20 and 30 years,
two years of cohabitation/ marriage without the use of a
contraceptive, excepting in cases where the man is
infertile or the woman cannot physiologically conceive.
For a woman over 30 years, one year of
cohabitation/marriage without use of contraceptives.
Normally, no ART procedure shall be used on a woman
below 20 years.(3.14.1)